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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!!! :) :)

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2009 is down! 2010 to go

Time is our precious assets in our life! Even more value than $, so try to change your perspective. Since 2009 is down and 2010 to go! Think of this, what had you achieve? Make it clear and detail, in the relationship, financial and everything. Know which track you in. Had you become someone which your friend like to mix with or had you achieve financial freedom?

We gotta admit, we can't fulfill everyone and become totally free but at least gotta make sure you are in the progress toward it. Start early and be s person who know to appreciate! as the time is our precious assets! Maximize the times you have, don't just sleep there but do something.

Everyone of us are smart know what is correct and wrong. But sometimes just because it is difficult path, we don't work for it.. no pain no gain! That's why. as this 2009 is down! It have give me some valueble lessons!

Hope that we don't celebrate the new year just because the 2009 is over and 2010 is coming! But celebrate is as we had achieve what we want or because we had learn something, so same with 2010! Live your life meaningfully... for me, this 2009 had been a tough year for me that let me learn a lot and know what it take to be someone!

This past 2009 had become quite tough for me as I had successfully get into local uni. Perhaps it is a good thing but university student doesn't mean you are the one! Be realistic! Outside there is number of competitive which you gotta face! and If you get into wrong step with sucks result, you will end up nothing but wasting your time and money as you in big debt by borrowing the government loan! I always remind myself of this because I know i'm that kind of genious student, the fact is I just get 2.35CGPA for my last sem!

Beside this, the problem which I face together with my family.. How it had made me realize the difference between me myself and the others. This world is created for us to survive! or should I say to torture us(the poor and moderate) by the increasing prizes of our daily product but not the salary! as the life goes on, the rich is getting richer and the poor is getting poorer if they don't get the education and opportunity! So, the life for those that born from poor or moderate family need to put more effort and catch up! So be someone that realistic and know your situation.

Most important thing is the life that end. In 2009, I get to know how precious is our life! How it feel when someone just suddenly gone from your life. as this 2009 had become a lost to my best friend. as what had happen few days ago, my best friend his dad had passes away.. It really give me a big shock! as his dad is really is a nice person who always give us his advice. and how's my friend's life after this? he just 19! We always think that we are controling our life but actually we are not! Remember this, in Proherb 16:9. In his heart a man plans his course but the lord determines his steps.

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Winter Solstice Festival, known as Dōng Zhì (冬至) in Mandarin.

In traditional chinese custom, Dōng Zhì was a day of rest,
a time when the crops had been harvested, and families gathered
together to celebrate the end of growing season.
Dōng Zhì signigfies the shortest day and longest night of the year.

On the day of Dōng Zhì which us today,
the chinese will make the traditional food which is
Tāng Yuán (
汤圆) or Kuih Ee,
which is sweet soup with glutinous rice balls.
It signigies the arrival of winter and after eating it
we become one year older.

(This is Red bean Tāng Yuán)
Besides, eating is symbolic of family unity and harmony as well
the round shaped rice ball represent togetherness
and completeness of the family.

(This is plain colorful Tāng Yuán)

** This photos is from "turtle" while the infomation here is from the Internet.

Visit Nikel Khor's blog for the post too.

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